oVice Hosts TechCrunch Mobility Closing Reception

Virtual event networking is held at oVice virtual space

Ovice Official
2 min readJun 17, 2021

On June 9th TechCrunch annual Mobility Event was hosted online. Founders, investors, and technologists gathered online to help attendees understand the current state of the mobility industry and identify which technologies, startups, and players will own the future of transportation.
After the event was over, participants joined oVice virtual space for the closing networking reception.

Since people were watching startup pitches and experts discussing topics around the mobility industry for around 8 hours, fun needs to be a very fundamental element in the closing reception. If you take a closer look at the layout image below, you’ll see cocktail counters have been included for networking over drinks, a game on the bottom left-hand corner(too bad oVice event manager couldn’t integrate Mario Kart Tour because they didn’t have a Nintendo account), and the too-hard not-to-notice pool area with BGM for some virtual chitchat luxury.

Design by Dasom Hwang

Event Program

  1. Opening Remarks: held on the main stage to welcome the participants and give a brief explanation of how to use the virtual platform.
  2. Breakout Session: people were divided into groups of 15 around 8 tables. Each table had a topic around the Mobility industry.
    One of oVice customer support members accompanied the participants at each table to help with any technical issues.
  3. Shoutouts: after discussing all the topics, a person volunteers from each table to give a shoutout on the main stage.
  4. Photobooth & Games: Before the event ends, some people took pictures of their avatars at the photo booth.
Snapshot at the photo booth

If you haven’t had the opportunity to join this networking reception, you can still join the next one coming up on July 8th — 9th for the TC Early Stage SaaS virtual event where you can enjoy networking as much as you do in real life.

Check more about oVice: https://ovice.in

TC Mobility Closing Reception: https://tc-mobility-closing-reception.ovice.in/



Ovice Official

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