Co-work & Collab Online
Work from Virtually Anywhere!
It’s no surprise that virtual co-working is growing as a thriving trend these days, and thanks to the onset of Coronavirus, many companies are asking their employees to work from home that the current may have eventually reach fever pitch.
Sounds great, doesn’t it? But how does it work?
True that you may not physically sit at your desk or grab coffee at the kitchen table and have a short meeting discussion with a coworker. You do, however, sit on a virtual chair around a virtual desk, talk with the people around you, go to virtual locations like meeting rooms, or even take a break at the kitchen corner. It’s almost as real as your traditional workspace but even better!
When working on a virtual platform, you’re not limited to any certain location and your office is just wherever you are.
Manage teams of remote workers, arrange meetings, send links to keep your team posted, and assist in conference calls even from the comfort of your own home.
When it’s your break time, click the coffee mug button and add a comment to let the others know that you’re on a break and equally let them notified once back.
If you need a private room to chat, or you just want to invite someone to a meeting from outside without using your own slightly shaky Skype or Google Hangouts, you can directly enter one of the private rooms to have your meeting with a certain person. In a matter of fact, Ovice doesn’t require you to have a super-fast internet connection to be able to interact with the minimum amount of data at the click of a button. If you don’t want someone to join your meeting, you can easily lock the room once inside. Otherwise, just keep it unlocked in case someone is asked to join you.
Enjoy having access to office space and a range of tools at a fraction of the cost, and only when you need them. Particularly for start-up teams that can still run a business ‘virtually’ but without the costs associated with owning or renting premises. All you need is your laptop/mobile and internet! Get a bigger tool of talent for your positions owing to Ovice flexible and collaborative environment that allows you to share your work, assign tasks, do presentations with others by the screen sharing option, easily join conferences instantly and get to build your career by meeting new people and working on different projects.
Stay connected to the people you’re working with despite the distance. Especially if you’re working in a multinational corporation or if you’re a late-night worker, don’t worry someone else half-way around the world will just be starting their day off.
In short, anyone can use and benefit from Ovice. There are no criteria. You can be a freelancer or a large business owner with lots of employees. Industries most associated with working from a virtual office include I.T based businesses, start-ups, retail, and home businesses to name a few. But this list is only growing.
Expand your capabilities and give your businesses even more freedom to work in new and exciting ways!
Do you have other unanswered questions surrounding our virtual office?
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